Public Speaking and Confidence
SUKA Studio is a public speaking and communication platform imparting quality training and skills in the latest methodologies and strategies with a focus on public speaking for kids in Malaysia, to build their confidence in the field of speech and oration. Our aim is to ensure that children of all background is empowered with public speaking and communication skills, and LOVE it.
See our programmes by choosing one of the buttons below:
Our Vision
Life is full of surprises, and that will never change.
We see a world where all children face less anxiety and happily communicate, mindfully and strategically.
What do we do?
We curate powerful communication programmes and tools for young children, that inspire creativity, growth, confidence and ability to think outside the box!
If you are looking for a safe space, where your kids can have fun in public speaking Malaysia then drop us a HI!
Since 2016, we have trained more than 1000 children across Malaysia from Perlis to Jempol, and Kuala Lumpur. During the pandemic, and sessions are still LIVE virtually, and supporting children and parents with tools to help them. We take it day by day, and we dont plan to stop.
From one programme to another, we trained children from all backgrounds, regardless of status. We dont say no to any request, and will strive to helping as many children as we can!
We’ve worked with multiple partners and coaches to ensure that our programmes are updated and relevant.