14 Benefits Of Public Speaking That Will Change Your Life

14 Benefits Of Public Speaking That Will Change Your Life

The good outweighs any bad experiences in learning Public Speaking. Take advantage of all the Benefits of Public Speaking. There is so much to gain even during the process of learning the skill, and the change you will see is beyond the gig itself.

Here are some ways public speaking will change your life!

1. Boost confidence


Public speaking has great personal benefits such as building self-esteem, confidence, building trust and relationships with themselves and the people around them, open discussions and critical thinking skills to name a few. . Once you have built those skills for yourself, you will grow in interpersonal skills such as relationships and trust in your life whether it be in your romantic, academics or professional life. Once you conquer the Benefits of Public Speaking skills to communicate effectively, everything becomes easy and accessible. which subsequently brings professional benefits.


2. Personal development

When you learn effective Communication Skills via public speaking, you will realise you are a better listener,  critical thinking skills improve, you learn to compromise and take control of your life. As a Public Speaker you need to be very alert and decisive and through this, a good listener of the audience. It is from their reaction that you receive energy and direction of your speech. Hence it enhances you as a person as a whole. 

3. Better listener

As a good Public Speaker, it is a must to learn from past speakers and observe the speech that was well and not so well received by the crowd. Remember to always listen to the crowd and feedback after your speech. The better you listen to the reactions of the audience, the more you can keep improving in your speech whether it is the content, the body language, your voice, it is all beneficial for you to know and improve.


4. Better communication

At home or at the office, you may have a great idea and proposal to improve things but what if you lack the persuasion skills? What if your audience (friends, family or colleagues) lost interest from the start? Ever feel like you need to say something but nobody is listening? Ever feel like nobody is taking you seriously? This article should be of help to you then.


Remember the four goals of public speaking:

1        Inform the audience.

2        Persuade the audience.

3        Engage with the audience

4        Entertain the audience.


5. Better social connections

Once you do well in Public Speaking, you have put yourself ‘out there’ and made yourself relatable to a number of people. Once people feel that you are approachable, you will be surprised how many will actually pursue. When you are one of a panel of speakers, you automatically share interests as well. Also, people who attend your event are those who have the same interest  and so you can make new connections and increase your networking. This is one of the greatest of the Benefits of Public Speaking.

6. Better Personal satisfaction

Public Speaking Skills allow you to overcome your fears, boost your confidence, open yourself to learn and unlearn, allow yourself to adapt to new and improved ways of life, attract opportunities, influence and be influenced by others, increase your life value, increase your empathy for people.


7. Better Negotiator

Public speaking plays a huge role in speaking as an advocate to allow the interest of both parties involved. If you know how to say the right things in the right way to the right people, you become a very powerful influencer and negotiator and that is of high and timeless value  in every business and in the personal life.

8. Better leader

You may have noticed that most leaders are in general outspoken and well spoken. Leaders lead with knowledge and confidence which have an influence to drive change in others. Well spoken leaders have the ability to drive change in individuals or large groups of people.

9. Career advancement

Public speaking has great personal and professional benefits, such as building self-esteem, building trust and relationships with themselves and the people around them, open discussions and critical thinking skills to name a few. Critical thinking

10. Learn performance skills

You'll have become conscious of timing and clarity of your own voice and aware of the surrounding. Make sure your voice can be heard clearly throughout the space in the room. A voice that is too low or too loud can create a huge frustration amoungst the crowd and motivate them to leave the room. You can always ask the audience at the back if they can hear you loud and clear and to tell you if it is too low or high. Adjusting to your audience is always key to a good speaker.

11. Better Vocabulary

It is always good to use the most meaningful and expressive word to convey your message. The choice and variety of words must be precise for an effective communication. The more you speak to an audience, the more you will understand that there is always a better way to say things with the words used. For example, telling a group of students “Did you hear what I have to say?”is probably not as effective as “I have something very important to share with you.”

12. Work Under Pressure

Being exposed to Public Speaking keeps on your toes, think quick and be used to being put on the spot. This comes in handy in both your personal and professional life. You won’t feel as much anxiety as you would as a person who rarely or has never done Public Speaking. When you are under pressure, you have to think on your own and try to solve angles of communication.

13. Healthy Debate

Two heads are better than one. When you start a new project, you first plan a brainstorm session with the members and teammates. It is the same concept when you do a Public Speaking and plan a speech. Put your thoughts, ideas, proposal along with the reasons and justification. Be prepared to have others voice their input too. It is smart to cover every angle and to think of what others could possibly say and question. When doubt seeps in, your speech or presentation becomes weak and unreliable. Remember to be prepared with a good argument. This is one of the health related Benefits of Public Speaking.

14. Helps you drive change

When you deliver a good speech, one of the effects is that you make the audience think. Whatever you have made a point on has made someone think to do something about it.  Thoughts turn to words and words turn to action. The number of people you speak to play a huge part as well. So make sure your speech is delivered clearly and fairly.

So, these are some of the tips and benefits of pubic speaking that can really bring change in your professional and personal life and help you to improve drastically.