Great Topics to Start a Conversation That Will Last

Great Topics to Start a Conversation That Will Last

topics to start a conversation

Once you have started the conversation rolling on from the starter tips in our previous blogs, you’ll need to quickly come up with an interesting topic to discuss. You will have to pick a topic to start the conversation to keep it going for a while if that is the intention. In this article, we will discuss the different topics to consider, different topics to avoid and different ways to present the topics.

Fun topics to start a conversation


Since you now know how to start a conversation, it helps to know the best topics to talk about. The following topics are popular topics to use with people that have bare minimal potential backlash:


1. Family


People love talking about themselves with at the top of the list of topics is usually family. You can ask about marriage, parenting, relationships, siblings, children or even pets. Communication skills here come in very handy so as to get to know who you are speaking to. If the questions are not too intimate and offensive, people will often open up and talk freely about their families.


You can learn a lot about a person when inquiring about his or her background and family.



a)  “Do you have kids? Girls or Boys”

b) “My father was a very strict man, was yours the same?” 

c) “What kind of dog do you have?"



2. Sports


You would be surprised how many people are passionate about sports, and some sports are particularly popular in certain countries. For example, Americans enjoy the sports of basketball and American football, Europeans enjoy football, meanwhile in Asia table tennis or badminton are especially popular. Usually a passion and interest in a particular sport will ease conversation as people will gladly and energetically share their passion and thoughts on it. You can ask questions about their favourite teams, players and sporting events.



a) “Did you see the penalty kick England had against Brazil?"

b) “Is there a game this weekend?”

c) “Who do you think will win this match?”


3. Entertainment


In the age of on-demand entertainment and blockbuster TV series widely available on platforms like Netflix and Disney Hotstar, entertainment can be an important talking point for many people. If you ask someone about their favourite TV show or series, the chances are that they will have one or two you will have watched too. The right series will get you hooked with suspense and anticipation and that will leave a lot to talk about. Try your luck - unless the person is old fashioned and prefers reading books, you could get yourself a hot conversation brewing.



a) “What series are you watching now?”

b) “Have you seen the latest superhero movie?”

c) “Did you watch the music awards show last night?”

d) “What is your favourite series of all time?”


4. News


Since everything is broadcast online everywhere on Instagram, Facebook and even Google Chrome homepage. News does not solely come from the major news channels like CNN and Al Jazeera. Try dipping your feet in the latest news topics you can find various sites and applications like YouTube and Twitter. Being current on the latest news can help you start small talk easily with strangers and acquaintances.


Whether you are a fan of traditional newspapers or follow digital alternative news media, you can always open a conversation with questions about local or international news.


This has the potential to be a sensitive route to take if you start talking about political views, as different people will have different points of view and values which can be very personal. So avoid political topics.



a) “Did you hear about that hero dog that saved a child from a fire?”

b) “Did you read about the girl that was lost and they found her few hours ago? We need to be more careful and watchful of our children.”



5. Work


Many people take pride in talking about their job and will gladly share their thoughts on the role they play in their team. Work takes up a majority of ones life as it is their livelihood. Asking about their duties at work will likely inspire a response and it could be more interesting if they are very invested and satisfied with their career or the vice versa.



a) “How do you like managing advertising accounts?”

b) “How is she as your boss?”

c) “When was the last time you took a personal break?”


Topics to avoid

Although we want to know people’s personal views on things, asking them to overshare can be an issue too. Sometimes we overstep the invisible line of boundaries and here are some guidelines to help you. They include:


1. Salary or benefits

2. Politics

3. Religion

4. Age

5. Controversies

6. Gossip

7. Relationship status


The key is to try to avoid any negative-themed conversations that might trigger people since we do not know what head space they are in or what they are currently going through. Keep your conversation starters positive, and you can start a good relationship with them.

Tips for starting a conversation


1. Use open body language


Body language plays an important role in communication to start a conversation. Always try to step forward on the right foot. Try smiling, maintaining eye contact and having a confident posture. This will encourage the person you want to conversate with to feel comfortable, safe, and happy to engage with you.


You should also pay attention and observe others’ body language. If you can tell that they are closed off and unresponsive, it may be best to move on and respect their space. It may not be a good time for them to build a connection with someone new.


2. Actively listen


Everyone wants to be heard. Active listening means focusing and paying attention to what people have to say. This will allow you to better understand the information being communicated and to better prepare and respond thoughtfully. This will help to build trust with the person you’re communicating with.


3. Have confidence


It can be intimidating to start a conversation in many situations. Know that the person you start the conversation with is likely appreciative of the gesture and may have been wanting to break the ice with you as well. It is natural to feel anxious or nervous when approaching a new person, but the benefit of meeting new people and expanding your network is worth it.


4. Get contact information and follow up


Relationships are good when they are curated for the long run. You never know when you might need help from someone. The more people you know or stay connected with, the better. If your conversation has gone well and you feel that it is mutual, try to exchange contact information to stay in touch. This way, you can follow up explaining that it was a pleasure to meet them and that you are interested to continue the conversation again someday. In return, you will make them feel valued and inspired to speak to you again.




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3. What It Takes to Have Good Communication Skills

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5. Eye Contact As Body Language

6. 7 Practices To Help You Master Effective Communication

7. How To Choose Public Speaking Topics

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10. 3 Useful Tips On How To Improve English Speaking Skills

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For tips on CONFIDENCE:

1. Timid In A Sentence

2. Importance Of Speaking With Confidence

3. How To Battle Shyness Or Feeling "Segan" in Public Speaking

4. How to Gain Confidence In Leadership

5. How To Gain Confidence In Communication

6. Do you struggle to have Self Confidence In Leadership?

7. 135 Quotes On Confidence For Your Everyday

8. Importance of Confidentiality with Children

9. Effective Teaching and Learning for Young Children

10. Parenting Skills List You Need to Know

11. Being the Opposite of Timid

12. Affirmation for Confidence you Can Live by

13. Natural remedies for focusing

14. Being A Good Teacher At Work

15. 7 Qualities Of A Good Home Teacher That Will Get You Closer To Your Child