Showing Confidence in Body Language

Showing Confidence in Body Language

confidence in body language

Confidence in body language is one of the greatest assets you could have. If you are confident in your body language, most will notice it immediately without fail. Confidence can get you closer to the place you want to be in life. People will have more respect for you and find you easier to trust. This article is designed to help people develop the skills they need in order to communicate with more confidence, a must have skill both in personal and business settings. Learn how to show Confidence in Body Language in your life.


Benefits of Confidence in Body Language

Confidence is the act of having faith in one's abilities and skills. If you have confidence, you're not afraid to try new things. Confidence in body language, with correct use of body language can help you:

1.  get the job you want

2. the relationship you desire

3. create in your life the success that you deserve.

When you learn to speak with confidence, you will be able to prove your own value in all those settings.


Confident body language is an important part of:

1. getting other people to feel confident in you.

2. If you have strong, confident body language it will help people to see that you are a strong, confident person.

3. This contributes to your overall success in life both personally and professionally.


Confidence is an inner belief of self-worth. Confidence in body language can be described as an internal sense of belief in yourself and your abilities to act in a particular way. A confident person will:

1. Recognise their own abilities and potential

2. make an effort to achieve goals through action that ensures success


Confidence is a very important aspect of body language and it promotes your personality. If you are confident, you look amazing and you feel amazing too.


Confidence is all about body language. Your confidence, or lack thereof, will be evident in the way you move and hold yourself.


Consequences of Low Confidence in Body Language

If you lack confidence, you're likely to:

1. Portray yourself as closed off, with your arms crossed and your posture slumped

2. Not believe in yourself and your talent or abilities

3. Not go for your dreams

4. Not reflect or improve yourself and your skills

This will have a negative impact on your studies, personal relationships and career. So please, for yourself and the people around you who love and care for you, prioritise your self-confidence.


Consequences of Confidence in Body Language

Confident people will:

1. Sit up straight with better posture

2. Standing up straight with your arms unfolded

3. Keep their feet rooted in a strong stance.

4. Keep their hands open

5. Engage fearlessly in what they are doing

6. Make eye contact with everyone, even with the people you don’t know and are not acquainted with

7. Smile confidently in face of everything happening around you.


All of these cues help you portray confidence in your body language at all times.

When someone walks into a room with those types of people present, they can feel their energy from the other side of the room—and that's because each of them knows how to carry themselves and look confident.


For Example:

Look at public figures like Michelle Obama and Oprah who show Confidence in Body Language mentioned above.


What is Body Language?

Body language is a form of non-verbal communication that can tell what another person is thinking or feeling.


It refers to the:

1. Movements

2. Postures

3. Facial expressions

4. Gestures of a person or group

5. Eye contact

6. Timing and frequency of gestures

7. Any touching that may occur as well as degrees of personal space for conversation.

It is an important part of many business meetings where you may be negotiating or trying to sway opinions in your favour.


Body language is non-verbal communication expressed by:

1. Posture 

2. Stance; and

3. Bodily movement.

It forms part of the category of para-language, which describes all forms of human communication not spoken verbally. This can include gestures, facial expressions, and eye movement. Non-verbal signals are in many cases more likely to be unconsciously understood than the deliberate signals such as speech.


Tips to Gaining Confidence

1. Similar to gaining self-esteem, you work on it day by day. Take on tasks you are an expert in. If you are a numbers person, do number puzzles that challenge you. If you are a good negotiator, do a deal that will benenit you.


2. Always have a good posture. This is proven to give positive signals to your brain so you feel confident instantly.


3. Look and dress well so you feel good on the inside, even if you are having a rough day.


4. Remind yourself to stay cool and calm in every situation.


5. Be a problem solver not a problem talker. Always look forward so the issues you face do not become a factor in your daily activities.

6. Remember the days you were confident. The mind is a powerful thing, use it well and travel back in time in your mind to a confident moment in your life.

7. Do daily self-affirmation. You can use the following lines to begin with. Does not have to be exact and should suit your wants and needs. Do this daily for about 15-20 minutes. Self Affirmations for Confidence you Can Use and practice

a) I want to climb mountains and I will

b) I will be strong and confident

c) I am worth the time an energy


8. Do not talk negatively about yourself to yourself and others.


9. Learn to accept criticism. This does not mean the bad feedback from people around you are true, but know yourself  and think about it and if reasonable, make the necessary changes, especially if the person criticising is a loved one.

10.  Breath! Inhale for 7 seconds, hold for 4 seconds and exhale for 11 seconds. This will control you heart rate, get oxygen through your body and brain so you can think better.



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3. What It Takes to Have Good Communication Skills

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5. Eye Contact As Body Language

6. 7 Practices To Help You Master Effective Communication

7. How To Choose Public Speaking Topics

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10. 3 Useful Tips On How To Improve English Speaking Skills

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12. 7 things I learnt about interpersonal communication from my time at Scouts Malaysia

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14. 5 A's to Communicating Better with Your Child from an Educator’s Point of View

15. Non-Verbal Communication Activities For Kids/High School Students

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For tips on CONFIDENCE:

1. Timid In A Sentence

2. Importance Of Speaking With Confidence

3. How To Battle Shyness Or Feeling "Segan" in Public Speaking

4. How to Gain Confidence In Leadership

5. How To Gain Confidence In Communication

6. Do you struggle to have Self Confidence In Leadership?

7. 135 Quotes On Confidence For Your Everyday

8. Importance of Confidentiality with Children

9. Effective Teaching and Learning for Young Children

10. Parenting Skills List You Need to Know

11. Being the Opposite of Timid

12. Affirmation for Confidence you Can Live by

13. Natural remedies for focusing