The Meaning Of Timid And The Repercussions Of Living With It

The Meaning Of Timid And The Repercussion Of Living With It

We have all had experiences in which we were afraid to speak up or act boldly in certain situations, leading us to feel frustrated, disappointed, nervous, or even ashamed afterwards. In fact, the repercussions of living with timidity and of being timid is not fun at all. In this article we explain timid – the meaning and the repercussions of living with it.


What is the meaning of timid?

Are you shy? Do you lack confidence? Do you often find yourself without friends around? What if your child is shy, then how will he interact with people? What if your wife is shy, what will be her reaction at social gatherings? These are all signs of a timid person. Other signs include:


Ø Feeling shy 

Ø Fear of strangers

Ø Quiet

Ø Lack aggression

Ø Have a tendency to avoid strangers

Ø Feels apprehensive or uneasy, when he or she has to go in front of people

Ø Having or showing a lack of courage

Ø Having an overabundance of fear

Ø Being easily overcome by others

Ø Lacking self-confidence

Ø Introverts can be timid at times


What is the Repercussion of being timid?

Is your partner stubborn and moody? If so maybe he or she has the timid characteristic and is living with it. We will share how to deal with a person who suffers from this dilemma and also help you understand what consequences are suffered when your partner is of the timid character.


Since the earliest times, quality of living has always been predominant among the factors that demand a great deal of energy and time to develop. It is therefore necessary to have make a better life with factors like health and wealth. Having a timid nature is one characteristic that has great negative repercussions on one's life, as it causes us to hide from situations that require a great deal of courage.


Usually, it is due to uncertainty of what their own opinion actually is or if their opinion can even be considered valuable or relevant. Meanwhile, extroverts seem brazen in comparison as they love to speak with people and seem so confident and authoritative over a variety of topics, never censoring themselves.


The most common repercussions of being timid is:

Ø The loss of power for not having a voice or opinion

Ø The loss of emotional outlet, not having the courage to speak up for themselves and communicate how they really feel

Ø Feelings of regret building up inside due to loss of opportunity and time

Ø The loss of having a good social life, work life and general quality of life

Ø The loss of having good quality relationships including family and romantic relationships

Ø Loneliness


What are the causes of being timid?

Shyness emerges from a few key characteristics: self-consciousness, negative self-preoccupation, low self-esteem and fear of judgement and rejection. Shy people often make unrealistic social comparisons, pitting themselves against the most vibrant or outgoing individuals.


Usually the cause of someone being timid stems from a very young age when they learn not to trust people around them and react in the way that they do.


This may have been caused by parents, siblings, class teachers and students they grew up with where they experienced:

1. Rejection

2. Judgement

3. Scolding

4. Bullying

5. Authoritativeness

6. Intimidation


A great tip for parents: Always speak with your children openly without controlling their thoughts with their opinions. Allow them to speak to you how they genuinely feel and you can guide them on the best way to react.


How to battle with being timid

Many shy people believe they are born that way and can do nothing to change it.

The best way to have a quick solution is by removing the cause, then eliminating this problem. Quitting shyness and becoming confident, how should one proceed?


It is easier said than done but the main way this is done is by simply pushing yourself to do things you are uncomfortable with which include:

1. Joining programmes, clubs, groups such as Suka Studio where there is a safe circle for those who want to climb out of their Timid shell and become confident and outspoken beings

2. Speaking on stage, be an Emcee, present a topic

3. Speaking to new people, introduce yourself

4. Participating in conversations, communicate your opinion

5. Speaking up for yourself no matter who your audience is, if your friend is asking something from you that you feel uncomfortable with let them know

6. Not allowing yourself to be a follower all the time. Decide where you want to go, what you want to eat, what you want to wear etc.

7. Wearing something attractive. Wear loud colours like red, orange, green. Get yourself used or familiar to attention even if it is by looks of people

8. Always think highly of yourself while keeping humble. Try to see others as peers other than judgemental beings who want to destroy you.




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For tips on CONFIDENCE:

1. Timid In A Sentence

2. Importance Of Speaking With Confidence

3. How To Battle Shyness Or Feeling "Segan" in Public Speaking

4. How to Gain Confidence In Leadership

5. How To Gain Confidence In Communication

6. Do you struggle to have Self Confidence In Leadership?

7. 135 Quotes On Confidence For Your Everyday

8. Importance of Confidentiality with Children

9. Effective Teaching and Learning for Young Children

10. Parenting Skills List You Need to Know

11. Being the Opposite of Timid

12. Affirmation for Confidence you Can Live by

13. Natural remedies for focusing

14. Being A Good Teacher At Work

15. 7 Qualities Of A Good Home Teacher That Will Get You Closer To Your Child