Drawbacks Of Being Too Timid That Can Stop You From Growing

Drawbacks Of Being Too Timid That Can Stop You From Growing

drawbacks of being too timid

You can easily confuse a humble person with a person who has a timid personality. You can be someone who is great at meeting new people, get enlightened and amazed at how interesting people are, but rarely take that first step to initiate some conversation of your own. This is where it can become a problem. In this article we explain the drawbacks of being too timid that can stop you from growing.

What is being too timid?

If a person doesn't have any friends, is afraid to talk to people or just doesn't feel like doing anything, this person may be living in timidity. It is one thing to be quiet by nature, but another thing altogether to stop playing an active role in the world. Find out about signs of being too timid.

Signs of a Timid Person

You put up your hand in class to say something but are too timid to speak. You often feel that everything you say may seem silly to others, and you can tell you're just not getting through to them. You wish you could conquer your shyness, but shyness can have serious consequences. People who are too timid usually have self esteem issues or were taught from home not to ask questions, not to think independently or to simply just follow without knowing the reasons.

As a child, you might have worried about the repercussions of speaking up. Maybe your teacher, parent or peers would judge you harshly for sharing an uncomfortable truth, or give you a hard time for asking for what you want. This will have an impact also on your self esteem and confidence. As human beings, we need to know reasons for everything we do and see in life.

Other signs of a Timid person include not questioning and just being a follower, not correcting things around them they know if wrong, not having the courage to share what they know including their own name and personal details.

There are also numerous body language which are signs of a timid person. These include a slouched posture, murmuring and not talking clear, no eye contact with the person they talk to, and clothing that is not in trend and very basic including wearing glasses even if they don’t have lens power.

Drawbacks of Being Too Timid

Being too timid, or overly shy, is the opposite of a strong and brave way to live. The shy person is an introvert who doesn't have much confidence in themselves and choose to think to themselves only. They can lack a personal sense of urgency to go out of their comfort zone and express themselves. Worse, they cannot think well on their feet which makes them seem boring to others.

You may miss a lot of opportunities in life by not putting yourself out there. You might regret your quietness and wish you had experienced more and end up having regrets later in life.

The main drawbacks of being too timid is that your boundaries are never tested. You'll never know what you're capable of without the right encouragement. There are shy people that have gotten up and given a speech in front of thousands of people wouldn't have done so if they hadn't been encouraged by someone telling them, “you can do it!”.

Being too timid can hinder your social life, job prospects and self-confidence but don't worry too much, we can help show you how to deal with it.

Tips on How to Overcome Being Timid

Don't be too timid if you'd like more friends.

1. Research and learn more about timid behaviour and how to conquer your shyness.

2. Find out personal reasons why your shyness should not hold you back. E.g. to make new friends, to discover new ways in life like a new job, hobby or experiences.

3. Get professional help and be exposed on different ways to get yourself out of your shell of being too timid.

4. Push yourself to meet new people and ask questions. Even if it means you feel embarrassed, take it a step at a time and acknowledge it that you managed to push your self each time. Keep doing it. Keep pushing yourself to do uncomfortable things.


1. 7 Must-Have Components Of A Speech

2. Stress Less With These 3-Easy Steps And Improve Your Critical Thinking

3. What It Takes to Have Good Communication Skills

4. Why Public Speaking Workshops Is Not A Waste Of Time

5. Eye Contact As Body Language

6. 7 Practices To Help You Master Effective Communication

7. How To Choose Public Speaking Topics

8. 14 Benefits Of Public Speaking That Will Change Your Life

9. Your 4 Goals For Public Speaking

10. 3 Useful Tips On How To Improve English Speaking Skills

11. 10 Tips On How To Improve Speaking Skills

12. 7 things I learnt about interpersonal communication from my time at Scouts Malaysia

13. 5 Tips To Improve Your English Language Skills

14. 5 A's to Communicating Better with Your Child from an Educator’s Point of View

15. Non-Verbal Communication Activities For Kids/High School Students

16. How To Be The Best Leader, Simply

17. Why activities for communication building is important for you and family

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22. Public Speaking in Malay

23. How to start a formal speech

24. Persuasive Words That You Should Use for a Lifetime

25. Importance Of Public Speaking Classes

26. How To Write With A Speech Format

27. Barriers Of Communication To Avoid

28. Using Verbal Communication As A Tool

29. Using a Public Speaking Script

30. Understanding the Communication Process

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33. Verbal Types of Communication You Should Use

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For tips on CONFIDENCE:

1. Timid In A Sentence

2. Importance Of Speaking With Confidence

3. How To Battle Shyness Or Feeling "Segan" in Public Speaking

4. How to Gain Confidence In Leadership

5. How To Gain Confidence In Communication

6. Do you struggle to have Self Confidence In Leadership?

7. 135 Quotes On Confidence For Your Everyday

8. Importance of Confidentiality with Children

9. Effective Teaching and Learning for Young Children

10. Parenting Skills List You Need to Know

11. Being the Opposite of Timid

12. Affirmation for Confidence you Can Live by

13. Natural remedies for focusing

14. Being A Good Teacher At Work

15. 7 Qualities Of A Good Home Teacher That Will Get You Closer To Your Child