Timid In A Sentence

Timid in a Sentence

What is “timid”?

Timid, a word we all really do not like. Many of us associate it with shyness, but timid is not shyness exactly.

Timid, is a behaviour, rather than characteristic or a personality trait like being one that is shy. Having shyness is a beautiful characteristic, yes! It has a sense of humbleness and grace. Timid, is almost an action, caused by the lack of self-confidence and self-assurance and mostly, fear.

Below are some examples of the word timid in a sentence used by many of us:

  • I was too timid to ask for what I wanted

  • He is a timid man so it was easy to get his approval.

  • She is too timid to be a spokesperson.

  • I used to be a very timid child because I had minimal exposure to the outside world.

  • He is always behind the computer or at home watching movies all day he developed a timid behaviour.

  • A timid approach to a problem.

  • He is a a timid driver who drives very slowly or avoids highways altogether.

  • Rahim's a very timid person. I highly doubt that he will be brave enough to face his brother.

Timid in a Sentence

Here are some disadvantages of being timid

We know its hard. We’ve all gone through it. The anxiety and the awkwardness. The below list shares some examples that you may have gone through.

 1. You’re making decisions based on fear. Generally decisions based on fear results to regret. You never know, maybe you will excel! Fight through the fear.

2. Being timid can cause you to shine less, and gain less confidence from others. Therefore, you the less chance of being selected for leadership roles that you want. It’s not about being the hero, but its about giving yourself the opportunity to lead a vision you believe in! No one else can see the vision as clearly as you.

3. The timid behaviour will cause you to resist from truly sharing your thoughts, therefore conversations may not last too long. Don’t worry - there are tricks to how you can prolong conversations, you’ll just have to fight through the fear.

4. You end up facing your battles alone, because you fear sharing your problems openly to colleagues, friends and family. This can cause severe depression and loneliness, and we want to help you through it! No battles should be faced alone. If that’s too big of a jump for you right now, perhaps share with your closest friend first. Problems are meant to be solved by together :). Yes you may be judged or corrected, but hey, that’s okay! That’s how conversations work - it’s a two way process.

How to Overcome being Timid

Have you heard of Sasha Fierce?

Well, in numerous interviews and public appearance, the famous singer and actress Beyonce mentioned that she is a shy person. Nevertheless, she excels on stage in front of thousands of people. She did this by creating an “Alter-ego” she named Sasha Fierce. That is her way to overcome her shyness, and you can find yours!

Here are Tips to Overcome Shyness and Timid Behaviour:

1. Stop saying that you are timid - remove the label.

If your timid behaviour is obvious, people can see it for themselves without you saying it. But you never know how good you are at hiding it. Declaring your weakness will make people’s expectation of you fall and make them immediately feel uncomfortable.

2. “Create” it till you make it

It is okay to feel timid but let’s hide it for now. Find your alter ego, and act it! Seeming confident and unafraid has better reaction from people than that of a timid person. Keep telling yourself this until you believe it and your body and spirit welcomes it truly!

3. Setting Boundaries

The discussion of your timid behaviour can come up and you don’t want to be reminded of the label. Remember, we need to remove the label first and foremost! What you can do is say, “thank you for your feedback,” and walk away. If it keeps coming up, you might need to stay away for a while till you feel confident the label is no longer streaming through your blood, and feedback does not effect you anymore.

4. Practice confident body language

We can try to control our minds but we cant hide our body’s reaction. We could be shaking, blushing or our voice could be trembling. If this happens, just confidently say to your audience  “Wow, I feel nervous. Thank you for coming." Thanking the audience gives you back the power and control.

Keep your back straight.

Eyes straight.


You can do this.

5.  Focus on you strengths

List down all your strengths and good qualities and refer to them when you feel down. Create a new, fresh list weekly, and you’ll see how great you’re doing. Champion your strengths and work on your weakness (if you want to). It' all starts with a choice.

6. Know that you are not alone, and what you think may not be true

The truth is, we all have our own journey. You are not alone in feeling the way you do. A mistake we all do, is that our minds can over exaggerate a situation. Others may have reacted positively towards you much more than you give yourself credit for. The stage is not as big as you think. The audience is not really thinking about you, but perhaps thinking about how good their lunch was. You see, you can not let your mind take control of you. Snap out it! There are ways to do this:

  • Jump 10 times

  • Do push ups

  • Take a walk

  • Shout!

The idea is to shift the nerves elsewhere. Try it, it works for everyone!

All in all, remember that you are beautiful, talented and have so much to share. Why not share? Don’t let fear make your life decisions.