10 Tips On How To Improve Speaking Skills

10 Tips On How To Improve Speaking Skills

For many, just the thought of speaking to a stranger let alone an audience is enough to break a sweat. Learning how to improve speaking skills is vital in today’s fast pace lifestyle. You need to communicate effectively, fast and clearly. One wrong statement can cause a big fire in today’s world. Hence, learn to speak well and improve your speaking skills.

10 effective ways on how to improve speaking skills

1. Understand that anxiety is healthy.

It keeps you alert. Nerves can be overcome with preparation. You gain confidence from good preparation. Do not let your nerves get the best of you.

2. Know Your Audience.

Once you know who your audience is, you can curb the expectation of you, the way you deliver your presentation and predict their reaction. Your choice of language, words, style, and even context will change on the type of audience. For example, if you are speaking in front of ministers, you need to be very formal, and diplomatically correct. If it is a speech in front of parents at a school event, you need to be informative, cheerful and polite. Improve your speaking skills by really knowing your audience.


3. Organize your thoughts to gain the audience respect and approval.

Always start with an introduction, issue, background then end with the request, purpose or conclusion. Nobody will listen to a scattered and confusing storyline, it is frustrating.


4. Keep on your toes.

Observe the reaction of your audience. For example, wait for the audience to stop clapping before you move on to the next.


5. Make it a 2-way street.

Ask the audience a question. Keep them on their toes as well. This way, we create an active event and people can get their voices out too.


6. Win with Humour.

Keeping a serious topic is to try to put your audience to sleep. By inserting a few light jokes scattered throughtout your speech, you create interest and light feel with your audience. You will also establish better credibility if your personality shines through, and your audience will trust what you have to say if they relate to you. Humour is one of the hardest tactic to pull off, but once you get the hang of it, your speaking skills is at a new level!


7. Get visuals.

Some audience like to see the picture you are creating with your words. It is understood clearly if they can see it. You can always describe an apple, but seeing it will create clarity. Majority of C-levels are extremely visual people. Be clear in what your vision is, and experiment multiple communication styles. Explore infographics, flow charts and videos. Canva is a great platform to get templates!

8. Pay closer attention to body language.

Wear something striking like a red suit or a colourful tie with your black suite. Move your arms alot and utilise the stage by walking. This allows for the message to be sent to the audience by getting attention. Experts say that 80% of communication is non-verbal!

9. Strike your audience from the beginning and leave them in awe.

“I wish someone told me this before it was too late” is a great beginning to lure the audience and get them to question the big “WHAT?”.

Ending with the big lesson and conclusion that they’ve been waiting for from the beginning will leave them in awe and ‘ah hah’ moment.

10. Sound Volume

So this is the last tip for improving your speaking skills today. Make sure your voice can be heard clearly throughout the space in the room. A voice that is too low or too loud can create a huge frustration amongst the crowd and motivate them to leave the room. You can always as the audience at the back if they can hear you loud and clear and to tell you if it is too low or high. Adjusting to your audience is always key to a good speaker. Voice and volume plays a huge role in negotiation, and is an art itself. Check out Forbes list of Best Books That Will Make You A Master Negotiator.

Here are just 10 tips on how to improve speaking skills. Just remember that the process of improving your speaking skills is a journey, so the the biggest tip is to enjoy the ride!

SUKA STUDIO provides training for children on public speaking and helping in speaking skills. We are taking registration for the next Bootcamp that Starts February! Register here.


1. 7 Must-Have Components Of A Speech

2. Stress Less With These 3-Easy Steps And Improve Your Critical Thinking

3. What It Takes to Have Good Communication Skills

4. Why Public Speaking Workshops Is Not A Waste Of Time

5. Eye Contact As Body Language

6. 7 Practices To Help You Master Effective Communication

7. How To Choose Public Speaking Topics

8. 14 Benefits Of Public Speaking That Will Change Your Life

9. Your 4 Goals For Public Speaking

10. 3 Useful Tips On How To Improve English Speaking Skills

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12. 7 things I learnt about interpersonal communication from my time at Scouts Malaysia

13. 5 Tips To Improve Your English Language Skills

14. 5 A's to Communicating Better with Your Child from an Educator’s Point of View

For tips on CONFIDENCE:

1. Timid In A Sentence

2. Importance Of Speaking With Confidence

3. How To Battle Shyness Or Feeling "Segan" in Public Speaking

4. How to Gain Confidence In Leadership

5. How To Gain Confidence In Communication

6. Do you struggle to have Self Confidence In Leadership?