Posts tagged presentation
The Art of Public Speaking In The 20th Century

In today’s fast moving world where physical connection is no longer a necessity nor a barrier to our livelihood, the best and most useful tool to have is the ability to communicate by mastering the art of Public Speaking. Public speaking is the act of speaking or talking in front of an audience you may or may not be acquainted with. Today, we can conduct public speaking and live talks online with no limitation on the number of audience viewing and listening to your words.

In a world so high in accessibility to online video communication, it would be wise to master public speaking as soon as we can as we never know how many people we can have a positive impact on.

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4 Ways to Improve Your Stage Presence and Crush your Presentation

Public speaking is a skill most people struggle with but can make significant improvements on with the right guidance. All the planning in the world cannot salvage your performance if it lacks authentic stage presence through control and confidence. Here are a few helpful tips and simple hacks that’ll help you better connect with your audience and give you strong stage presence to crush your next presentation.

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Eye Contact As Body Language

The quick glance, the look away, the look towards; the eyes have a way of saying a million things before a single word is spoken. It is a type of Body Language. The eye, with the dark concentrated center surrounded by bright white is designed to be seen from great distances. A person sitting at the back of a large theatre would still be able to see the movements of the eye and the direction that an actor on a stage is looking.

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7 Practices To Help You Master Effective Communication

Communication comes in many forms. Whether it be by writing, display, speaking and sound or body language. However, all types of communication has one purpose, to be able to be heard, exchange information and get things done! Read the below to learn Effective Communication.

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Your 4 Goals For Public Speaking

When you think of Goals for Public Speaking, what comes into your mind? Most of us, either under-present, or over-present. To come up with the best strategy for your public speaking, or presentation just remember this - nobody will truly hear you unless you’ve got something important or relatable to say to them.

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10 Tips On How To Improve Speaking Skills

For many, just the thought of speaking to a stranger let alone an audience is enough to break a sweat. Learning how to improve speaking skills is vital in today’s fast pace lifestyle. You need to communicate effectively, fast and clearly. One wrong statement can cause a big fire in today’s world. Hence, learn to speak well.

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