Posts tagged communication
Barriers Of Communication To Avoid

We've all been there-a message was sent, but it wasn't received. What happened? When we communicate with others, we might assume that our message is clear. But unless the receiver understands the exact information or idea that the sender intended to transmit, communication has not successfully occurred. This is the Barrier of Communication. When there are obstacles to effective communication which can distract or interfere with comprehension and retrieval of the intended message.

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Eye Contact As Body Language

The quick glance, the look away, the look towards; the eyes have a way of saying a million things before a single word is spoken. It is a type of Body Language. The eye, with the dark concentrated center surrounded by bright white is designed to be seen from great distances. A person sitting at the back of a large theatre would still be able to see the movements of the eye and the direction that an actor on a stage is looking.

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