Barriers Of Communication To Avoid

Barriers Of Communication To Avoid

Barriers of Communication



We've all been there-a message was sent, but it wasn't received. What happened? When we communicate with others, we might assume that our message is clear. But unless the receiver understands the exact information or idea that the sender intended to transmit, communication has not successfully occurred. This is the Barrier of Communication. When there are obstacles to effective communication which can distract or interfere with comprehension and retrieval of the intended message.


By avoiding or correcting these common problems, you can avoid misinterpretations and misunderstandings. Barriers of communication can be classified into two categories: external and internal barriers.


What is barrier of Communication?


Communication is a necessary process for an organisation. Barriers of communication are the reasons for communication failure. Barriers of communication can be reduced by keeping a good relationship among employees, proper training, and an easy approach of workers.


Barriers of communication are one of the biggest problems we face on a daily basis. So if you are also suffering from this problem, then here is a solution for you. There are many types of barriers of communication which we need to understand in detail. Further steps can be taken to improve barriers of communication which will result in reduced barriers of communication


Barriers of communication can be defined as an obstacle which prevents the receiver from getting the message that is being sent by the sender. It can cause misunderstanding, resentment and conflict in a team. Some barriers are physical while others are psychological. Physical barriers would include anything that requires one or both to struggle with noise interference, a lack of privacy, or limited resources at their disposal. These include technical difficulties such as faulty phone connections and fax machines, distractions like background noise and smells, language differences, and room layout that prevents easy conversation.



What are the Types of Barriers of Communication?


Knowledge of the different types of communication barriers can help you overcome them and become a more effective communicator. These barriers to communication include such things as:

1. Filtering

2. Selective perception

3. Information overload

4. Psychological/motional

5. Physical

6. Culture 

7. Language

8. Silence

9. Technology

10. Organisational structure

11. Communication skills/ apprehension

12. Communication channels

13. Clarity/consistency

14. Lack of trust

15. Listening skills

16. Gender differences




Complexity, being too tangled in a web of information, will create complexity. Always revise what you want to communicate and keep it simple. Only the can the right message be delivered.


A barrier is an object or obstruction which prevents people from moving from one place to another. An imaginary boundary or line between two places or countries is also referred as a barrier such as borders.


Why is it that many people do not communicate effectively even after inputting much effort to ensure that the recipient understands the message? The simple answer is Barriers of Communication as listed below.

1. Filtering

When there is too much information, the communication gets clouded due to confusion. Try to filter the information when communicating to allow only information related to the main point of your communication to be sent out  and for complicated information to be easily absorbed.

For example:

If parents enquire about school fees, there is no need to share the details of each operational cost behind each price. What concerns parents is how much they need to pay to the school to get the services in return.

2. Perception

The thoughts of people differ as they process information differently due to having different life experiences, including upbringing and cultural background. This is a fact which we must consider during the communication process. Knowledge of the perception levels of the audience or the recipient is crucial to effective communication. This means even though we may communicate clearly and thoroughly, we must be prepared and expect different reactions to it.

For example:

If parents were to be given the same price listing for each semester at the school, some parents may find the price reasonable while others find it to be over-priced.

3. Information Overload

Similar to Filtering in point #1 above, when you share too much information about a topic with people, it may defeat the purpose of having them understand the main issue in hand. Make sure you share enough information for the audience to understand and not too much so as to overwhelm them.

For example:

If there is a need for a photo to be framed, you can share with your audience a contact that provides the best cost effective price list of a framing shop. There is no need to share 10 contacts unless you need to do a research of who does the best framing work.

4. Psychological/ Emotional

Sometimes, the mental and emotional state of the speaker and audience can affect the communication process. There are numerous mental and psychological issues that may be barriers to effective communication. The emotional level of a person can determine the ease with which new information is communicated. A person who is emotionally stable will be able to communicate effectively and vice versa.

Some people may have have phobias, speech disorders, or mental health issues like depression and anxiety. Conditions such as there can be difficult to manage sometimes and may hinder the ease of communication.

5. Physical

Many organisations now - post the COVID-19 Pandemic – have moved towards increased dependence on digital means of communication as a result of social distancing. This development has seen the implementation of remote working where tasks are done online at home. Such barriers can have a major effect on an organisation that doesn’t know how to optimise the tools of virtual communication.

Most times it is companies that have little knowledge or expertise in IT related matters and tools such as internet, cloud files, and remote-learn apps that suffer the most. Working from home also comes with increased noise, unstable internet, faulty equipment used for communication, etc.

6. Cultural

Today, travel has become increasingly faster, cheaper and more accessible to people around the world. Hence the understanding and respect for multiple cultures has become an important aspect in organisations. Culture is a way of life for some. Different cultures have a different meaning for several basic values of society. Dressing, food, drinks, pets, and the general behaviour all make up culture. Hence it is important that  different cultures should be considered while communicating.

In many multinational companies, special courses are offered at the orientation stages that let people know about other cultures and how to be courteous and tolerant of others. As this can also cause a huge issue if interpreted or communicated in a way that is felt insulting to others, sometimes even illegal. This is why it’s important to have an idea of different cultures.

For example:

In most Middle-eastern Muslim countries, it is not allowed to hug opposite sex particularly in public. It can be a cause for deportation.

7. Language

How would you feel if I wrote this in French? Won’t it look strange to you? Apart from that there’s no way you can understand what I wrote which means I have not communicated effectively. Communication is a two-way street, meaning that I must communicate to you in a language you know.

This should also be understood to the effect of differing age groups. Don’t use big words with children who just learnt the worlds “mama” and “dada”.

Language barriers refer to how a person speaks both verbally and nonverbally. Speaking different languages, having strong accents, using slangs can frustrate an audience if they do not understand.

8. Silence

Use spacing in your speech wisely. Pace yourself when you talk too. Some speakers speak so fast because they understand their speech well but for those who are hearing it for the first time will need time to process the information. Structure of the speech must also be thought through and silence or gaps in between play a huge role.


9. Technology

Technology is continuously advancing and revolutionising and many find it challenging to keep up. When you have limitations in technological literacy it can become a huge Barrier to Communication. Virtual tools are growing in their necessity in the organisational setting and are a vital tool know how to use to communicate. The cost of the ever-changing and advancing of technology is also very high.

Technology is needed to share documents online, speak, listen and appear as real as possible and what comes with that is the different tools it requires such as quality internet access, video camera, microphone, headsets and such.

10. Organisation Structure

A company that has high regards to hierarchy, red tapes (rules), complex and rigid organisational structure usually makes for inefficient communication, thus making it one of the most common communication barriers.

In such organisations there could be insufficient communication systems and ineffective sharing of information often resulting in a lack of engagement due to numerous processes and red tapes.

In other words, if a company is highly hierarchical and structured, information can easily get lost or distorted as it forced to travel through each layer of the hierarchy.

11. Communication Skills

People have different communication skills and styles. Sometimes, the difference in communication skills can cause communication barriers between the speaker and the audience.

Some use detailed data, while others rely on generalities, and so forth. You might hear comments such as, “Aida always gives mixed instructions and confusing directions”.

Effective communication is about engagement between the parties involved in communication. When there is no interest and engagement from both parties, this moves away from the supposed objective of effective communication. So, first understand what works best for your audience and apply it while communicating

12. Communication Channels

There are many different communication channels for people to use. The likes of different social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram emails, Zoom, Google Meets, TV, radio, etc. You need to ensure that you use the right channels to inform people and deliver relevant information in a timely manner.

For instance, an employer wants his P.A to get him a cup of coffee. Rather than send a direct message or even put a call across, he decides to send the message via an email. There is every possibility the P.A may not access the mail till the close of work. If the message doesn’t get feedback, which would ultimately be in the form of receiving a cup of coffee, it shows there was a barrier in communication.

This also goes to entrepreneurs who choose the wrong channels to advertise their products and services. Channels of communication themselves can sometimes pose a barrier.

13. Clarity & Consistency

In order for a message to be communicated effectively, it has to be clear and consistent. When messages across different channels are not consistent, there will be lack of trust and understanding. This is one barrier public speakers need to take seriously.

As one in this field, communicating in clear and consistent terms should be the goal to avoid misinterpretation.

14. Trust

If you’re a person or an organisation that does not keep to your words, there is already a laid down barrier in communication. When there is no trust, there is no effective communication. When you’re not trusted no one will pay attention to any information you want to share. It is extremely difficult to communicate anything when there is a lack of transparency and trust.

This is the reason why one of the main goals for organisations across the world has become to build trust in the workplace.

For instance, you’re known amongst your peers as one who says A and go ahead to do B, so to say you don’t keep your word. One day, you are very sick and need the financial assistance of a friend, then you send an urgent message across to a friend asking for a certain amount loan. The truth is, you may never get a feedback from such a friend because they will likely call your bluff thinking it’s one of your schemes to get money which will never be repaid.

15. Listening Skills

Active listening is an important aspect of effective communication. You cannot engage with someone if you are not listening to them. This is because you will get the wrong message and tend to make assumptions and communicate wrongly. Nobody wants to listen to someone who does not listen themselves. Communication is never a one-sided story.

Some relationships are having problems today because the partners have failed to listen to each other. When you don’t pay attention, communication will never be effective.

16. Gender

Gender discrimination still exists and remains a barrier. Sometimes it is also a matter of respect. Some men have a chauvinistic way of communicating and sometimes women need to be spoken with in a softer and more thoughtful way. Some topics are also off limits for each gender such as sexual preferences, occasions and such.

How do we overcome the Barriers to Communication?

· Try as much as possible to use the right channels

· Work on the technological and physical barriers that could be avoided. For instance, noise is a barrier that can be avoided.

· Work on the psychological barriers too.

· Work hard to be clear and consistent while communicating with others to avoid building doubts in the minds of those receiving the message.

· Ensure you’re communicating in a language everyone can understand.



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For tips on CONFIDENCE:

1. Timid In A Sentence

2. Importance Of Speaking With Confidence

3. How To Battle Shyness Or Feeling "Segan" in Public Speaking

4. How to Gain Confidence In Leadership

5. How To Gain Confidence In Communication

6. Do you struggle to have Self Confidence In Leadership?

7. 135 Quotes On Confidence For Your Everyday

8. Importance of Confidentiality with Children

9. Effective Teaching and Learning for Young Children

10. Parenting Skills List You Need to Know

11. Being the Opposite of Timid

12. Affirmation for Confidence you Can Live by

13. Natural remedies for focusing