The Art of Public Speaking In The 20th Century

The Art of Public Speaking In The 20th Century

The Art of Public Speaking In The 20th Century

In today’s fast moving world where physical connection is no longer a necessity nor a barrier to our livelihood, the best and most useful tool to have is the ability to communicate by mastering the art of Public Speaking. Public speaking is the act of speaking or talking in front of an audience you may or may not be acquainted with. Today, we can conduct public speaking and live talks online with no limitation on the number of audience viewing and listening to your words.

In a world so high in accessibility to online video communication, it would be wise to master public speaking as soon as we can as we never know how many people we can have a positive impact on.



What is the Art of Public Speaking?


The art of public speaking is a skill not to be underrated! If done right it can help us connect with people and further a message to larger audiences, therefore reaching more people and helping more people make informed decisions. The beauty of public speaking is its ability to reach people in a way that no other method can.


The art of public speaking includes the process of expanding your circle of network, building your leadership skills, overcoming stage fright and allowing yourself to freely express your thoughts. In general, public speaking is an art that gives a lot of people a lot of sleepless nights with the seemingly uncontrollable fluttering of butterflies in their bellies.


Workshops to learn the art of public speaking


Public speaking for adults is one of the best courses there is out there today. It is the ultimate course to take because ultimately it will allow you to share your experiences, gain knowledge from a new audience and build the confidence and skills to command an audience wherever you go.


If you are typically afraid of public speaking or have a hard time convincing others, then the art of public speaking will be of great value to you. Learn how to speak your mind and change the world!


Public speaking is a skill that requires practice and refinement. The course offered by Suka Studio will equip you with the tools required to develop that skill successfully.


Tips to learning the art of public speaking


To speak impressively with all your power to communicate effectively can seem be daunting to achieve, but we assure you it is a skill that can be learned—if you invest the time to study and practice the techniques.


Public speaking is one of the most underrated skills for personal advancement and empowerment. This article will share with you everything you need to know to deliver a speech in public. The skills for public speaking include:

1. Style

This depends on the audience you are speaking to and the topic you need to present.

2. Refine your speech writing

Make sure you present the most important points and avoid unnecessary content. Make sure your content is structured.

3. Learn the art of persuasion

Learn the words you should use for persuasion and knowing the right time to persuade.

4. Become a master of storytelling

Knowing how to excite the audience is a big part of getting their attention.

5. Learn the power of body language

Utilise and walk around the stage, use hand gestures, look people in the eye if possible, don’t keep your hands in your pocket.

6. Voice control

Make sure your voice is loud and clear. Have some water beside you in case your throat gets dry.

7. Learn the power of material presentation of the speaker (you)

Have an outfit that is attractive and if need be, dominating if you are in an all male meeting. Wear sharp colours if you need to be extra loud to people.

8. Visuals such as power point presentation or video displays

You will need to learn how to develop your ideas and organize your material. Having other tools is always helpful when presenting to others. People learn and listen in different ways and many like to look and see stimulus other than just the speaker.

9. Data

It is always helpful and more persuasive using data that can support your speech.


Public speaking, or presenting of any kind, is hard. We often fear doing it, yet it is a key tool needed in virtually all aspects of life. It is an avenue to success, growth and self-development. By learning this skill, you are opening yourself to a wealth of opportunities both personally and professionally.



1. 7 Must-Have Components Of A Speech

2. Stress Less With These 3-Easy Steps And Improve Your Critical Thinking

3. What It Takes to Have Good Communication Skills

4. Why Public Speaking Workshops Is Not A Waste Of Time

5. Eye Contact As Body Language

6. 7 Practices To Help You Master Effective Communication

7. How To Choose Public Speaking Topics

8. 14 Benefits Of Public Speaking That Will Change Your Life

9. Your 4 Goals For Public Speaking

10. 3 Useful Tips On How To Improve English Speaking Skills

11. 10 Tips On How To Improve Speaking Skills

12. 7 things I learnt about interpersonal communication from my time at Scouts Malaysia

13. 5 Tips To Improve Your English Language Skills

14. 5 A's to Communicating Better with Your Child from an Educator’s Point of View

15. Non-Verbal Communication Activities For Kids/High School Students

16. How To Be The Best Leader, Simply

17. Why activities for communication building is important for you and family

18. 5 traits of a good teacher at work

19. 4 Ways to Improve Your Stage Presence and Crush your Presentation

20. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Tips that can Change and Save your Child’s Life

21. Leadership Communication and the Impact on a team

22. Public Speaking in Malay

23. How to start a formal speech

24. Persuasive Words That You Should Use for a Lifetime

25. Importance Of Public Speaking Classes

26. How To Write With A Speech Format

27. Barriers Of Communication To Avoid

28. Using Verbal Communication As A Tool

29. Using a Public Speaking Script

30. Understanding the Communication Process

31. Showing Confidence in Body Language

32. Non Verbal Types of Communication You Should Use

33. Verbal Types of Communication You Should Use

34. Other Non Verbal Types of Communication You Should Use

For tips on CONFIDENCE:

1. Timid In A Sentence

2. Importance Of Speaking With Confidence

3. How To Battle Shyness Or Feeling "Segan" in Public Speaking

4. How to Gain Confidence In Leadership

5. How To Gain Confidence In Communication

6. Do you struggle to have Self Confidence In Leadership?

7. 135 Quotes On Confidence For Your Everyday

8. Importance of Confidentiality with Children

9. Effective Teaching and Learning for Young Children

10. Parenting Skills List You Need to Know

11. Being the Opposite of Timid

12. Affirmation for Confidence you Can Live by

13. Natural remedies for focusing

14. Being A Good Teacher At Work

15. 7 Qualities Of A Good Home Teacher That Will Get You Closer To Your Child