7 Practices To Help You Master Effective Communication

7 Practices To Help You Master Effective Communication

What is Effective Communication?

Communication comes in many forms. Whether it be by writing, display, speaking and sound or body language. However, all types of communication has one purpose, to be able to be heard, exchange information and get things done! Read the below to learn Effective Communication.

Why do we want Effective Communication Skills?

Effective Communication Skills are perhaps the most basic yet most important skills that humans should attain as a friend, family member and colleague. Good communication involves understanding demands or requests, asking questions and conveying information. In fact, “Hiring managers are prioritizing soft skills in a way they never have before,” LinkedIn career expert Andrew McCaskill tells CNBC Make It.

Sure, we’ve heard this too many times, but it’s true! Even in this digital age, the human power of effective communication is infinite. We are born to communicate, and we can master it. Let’s get to it!

7 practices to help you to master your Effective Communication skills

  1. Work on your Confidence

  2. Develop your Emotional Intelligence

  3. Use techniques to be Clear

  4. Learn how to build your Social skills

  5. Find ways to improve your Listening Skills

  6. Study the art of questioning

  7. Play with your Voice

1. Work on your Confidence

Confidence is a feeling, therefore it’s choice - that’s good news! Therefore we made this the number 1 practice you must do, which is to work on your confidence. In all interactions, confidence is crucial. People want to listen to those they trust and depend on, confidence can influence this.

But, yes. Having confidence is HARD. Here are some ways to develop confidence.

  • Use the mirror technique. Talk to yourself with words of affirmation and motivation. No one will hear, so just go for it. Stare in the mirror and tell yourself “I am a confident individual!”

  • Keep practicing. Sign up for gigs, small and big, and just keep doing it. Experience builds knowledge and familiarity and that affects your confidence immensely.

Read our blogs on confidence building here.

2. Develop your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence has been trending for the past 3 years or so, as it identifies to be a crucial skill to have more impact.

In communication, many things can be challenging, demotivating, stressful and sometimes saddening. If you have high level Emotional Intelligence, you can manage your emotions and reaction better and empathise with others. Most times, we need to be objective when communicating so that both parties win.

4 aspects of Emotional Intelligence:

  • Self-awareness

  • Self-management

  • Social awareness

  • Relationship management

Each aspect of Emotional Intelligence, plays a huge role in communicating confidently with a variety of people. 5 Books that can help you with Emotional Intelligence are here.

3. Use techniques to be Clear

Your message should be clear and concise. A person who understands their message will experience much ease when explaining it to others. Here are some prime guidance:

  • Learn story telling. Take your audience on a journey, where they can paint the picture clearly in their head. If in your story, there is a table, define what colour is the table. This will help the brain to develop a picture clearly, and sustain!

  • Use short sentences. Sometimes writing your presentation at first help, as it helps to show what can go, and should stay. Shorter sentences means that more details can be processed by the brain.

  • Emphasise on words you want them to remember. You can emphasise by repeating the words 3 times; change your tone of voice or have a pause, before and after the word.

 4. Learn how to build your Social Skills

Networking - that’s the buzz word we hear alot. It is basically social skills, that we all have. There are ways to do this, but first, you need to give yourself the platform to practice. Sign up to social gatherings via Meetup.com; or find a FB group page that has monthly gatherings and join. It does take work, but you wont regret it as you see yourself grow! When you do go out to these events, here are some short tips:

  • Keep eye contact, and face the person when greeting yourself. The connection begins there

  • Smile. A powerful tool, that instantly sends positive vibes.

  • Try to keep your answers short, and ask them back the question. People love it when it’s about them!

  • Keep it short and end with a nice phrase like “Im glad to meet you here. Do stay in touch!”

  • Walk around with a drink like coffee. This will act as your ‘supporting buddy’ where you can take a sip when you feel awkward and begin to cave!

5. Find ways to improve your listening skills

Effective Communication means you also need to do Effective Listening.

If Communication is not a 2 way street, you could probably just call it a stage show. Before making a speech even you need to consider what people want to hear and how they could gain from listening to your speech. Make time to actively listen to people’s concerns and needs. This way, you are also able to ask the right questions.

Watch this video to learn about Active Listening!

6. Study the Art of Questioning

Asking questions allow the topic of discussion to grow into a valuable solution.

Good questions are those that gauge long answers. Don’t ask short ended questions like “Do you…” ask “What/how/why do you…”.

Do note that in the Art of Questioning, listening is key too. When journalists or hosts interview guests, they have the intention to get as much information shared as possible. A trick to do this, is to take the last few words said by the guest, and repeat them in the question!

If you’re a teacher or mom, you can check out our conversational cards - perhaps some questions can help break the ice with an audience of children. The questions are of course different in business environments.

7. Play with you Voice

When you have a clear voice, there is little room for discomfort or frustration with the receiving end. The tone of your voice can set the whole mood of the conversation. If you start the discussion in an aggressive or unclear manner, the recipient will be more inclined to respond in a similar way and loose interest fast. If you start with a cheerful voice, that’s a little more high toned, the receiving end will want to mirror that!

The Voice is a human tool that has a lot of power. Sound is powerful, and that is why communication effectiveness can be influenced by it. Here are ways to use your voice to get what you want!