Stress Less With These 3-Easy Steps And Improve Your Critical Thinking

Stress Less With These 3- Easy Steps And Improve Your Critical Thinking


What is Critical Thinking ?

In lament terms - it is basically thinking through things WELL. ‘Thinking’ is harder than we think (wow, that’s a great rhyme!). If you’re busting your head to think of great topics, or how to surprise your partner creatively - you’re already thinking critically of all the options to really come to a good landing of a thought/idea. This article takes you on a 3-step journey to help you think and improve your thought process! You’ll see it’s quite therapeutic too as it will calm you down about almost anything. Improve Your Critical Thinking starting today.

Why is critical thinking important?

First, lets truly understand what is critical thinking. Why do interviewers look at your critical thinking? Why do teachers assess a child’s way of thinking? Basically, the better you are at with critical thinking you’re automatically a problem solver, idea-driven and immersed in always growing! Critical thinking is important in today’s world because we want things fast, so we’ve actually delayed the process of thinking. Therefore this leads to a lot backtracks, mistakes and unnecessary emotional reactions. With this skill, you can:

a) Communicate your thoughts better

b) Feel assured and confident

c) Have a good solid number of solutions

Why is critical thinking important in communication?

The reason why communication is more complex than just speech, is because the brain is heavily involved in the process of speech. It needs to process information, filter both words and emotions, and eventually command the tongue, voice box and mouth to operate. Don’t forget also the brains work to command your eyes and hands to move for better communication.

With stronger critical thinking skills, the brain will be able to process information faster. This is why usually, those you do impromptu public speaking, or those who can carry a conversation with anyone on anything (TV hosts, Emcees, Journalists) have excellent critical thinking. They can basically think of what to say and respond fast and well!

The best thing is, you can train to be a great critical thinker, but it takes hard work, just like going to the gym.

Critical Thinking Applied in Daily Life

 Some questions you can start thinking about:

  1. Is there a different route I can take to work?

  2. Can I decrease the number of minutes to get ready before I leave the house?

  3. Is there a better way for me to communicate with my kids?

  4. How do I make sure I don’ get too tired for tonight'‘s midnight game?

  5. How can I save more money monthly?

We bet you’ve asked these questions already, but have you given time to think about them and come up with 3 top solutions?

Here are 3 easy steps to help you think faster and critically:


  1. Think of the 4 Ws and 1 H

  • What is the problem? E.g. I don’t have enough money to last the month

  • How did it occur? Eg. Spent 3/4 of my monthly budget on February birthday gifts!

  • Who was involved? Eg. For 3 of my close friends.

  • When did it happen? E.g. First week of February

  • Where did it happen? E.g. In the Mall

You’re probably wondering why not ask WHY? Why is generally strenuous for the mind as it involves less certain answers. To ask WHY of anything usually ends in subjective response and can be quite judgmental, which slows down the thinking process. Just avoid it for now.

After thinking of the answers for all these questions, NOTE THEM DOWN. When you pen in your thoughts, it makes it real. It’s telling your brain - we are going to solve this.


Now here’s the fun part, after determining all your 4Ws and 1H, ask yourself this question:

“What am I trying to achieve here?” Basically SET YOUR GOAL! Obsessing over the problem is like collecting and storing information in the brain. Setting your goal, will tell your brain what you want to do with all that information!

To link back to the examples above, the example goal here will be “SURVIVE THE MONTH WITH WHAT I HAVE.”


Mindmaps are excellent as they help the brain visualise how to actually organise those thoughts. You have your goal, now start mind mapping with the 4Ws and 1H again:

  1. How are you going to reach your goal?

  2. What tools do you need?

  3. Who needs to be involved?

  4. When should I start?

  5. Where can I find/do it?

I’ve sketched here a quick mind map to answer these questions, and I already feel so good! Because now I know the problem has solutions. Check it out:

Critical Thinking

I personally love the process of Critical Thinking because it makes me feel better. The brain stops telling the body to stress, because hey - look at all these solutions. If it’s not for work or school, just get into critical thinking to simply stress less!