Posts tagged Communication
Why activities for communication building is important for you and family

Over the past year, we’ve googled at least a thousand times “home activities to do with kids”! You may think it’s to fill up the gaps between time, but it could also mean you simply want to get closer to your loved ones. Great news – you’re on the right track! Doing activities for communication as a family is one of the best ways to bond. The more we bond with one another, the higher our levels of self-esteem, sense of belonging and communication. Its no wonder that the more activities families do for communication building, the more confident the next generation become. There is a reason for this, but be prepared, it goes deep.

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Stress Less With These 3-Easy Steps And Improve Your Critical Thinking

In lament terms - it is basically thinking through things WELL. ‘Thinking’ is harder than we think (wow, that’s a great rhyme!). If you’re busting your head to think of great topics, or how to surprise your partner creatively - you’re already thinking critically of all the options to really come to a good landing of a thought/idea. This article takes you on a 3-step journey to help you think and improve your thought process! You’ll see it’s quite therapeutic too as it will calm you down about almost anything. Improve Your Critical Thinking starting today.

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What It Takes to Have Good Communication Skills

You can talk and are naturally loud, people can hear you but don’t understand what you are saying! We understand the frustration and here we explain in detail what went wrong in your communication.

Good Communication Skills is when what we communicate to others is clear and understood well by the ready or audience. Sometimes, we know what we want to say and have all the ‘good’ ideas but have no clue as to why the reader or audience could have misunderstood.

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5 As to Communicating Better with Your Child from an Educators Point of View

As someone who works closely with children on a daily basis, I can attest that communicating with children is not an easy task. Throughout my years of working with children, I often get questions from parents such as, “How can I get closer to my son?”; “My children are always doing their own things but they never share with me” and “I know my daughter has ideas but she never wants to tell what is on her mind”. Here are tips to Communicating Better with your child.

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