How to Gain Confidence In Leadership

How to Gain Confidence in Leadership

Are you a leader or follower? We all can be versatile and be both. Here are ways you can gain Confidence in Leadership.

Leadership is the act of directing and guiding a group of people in a situation. The person is the ‘captain of the ship’ so to speak. Whether you are a good or a bad leader depends on your style and the people you lead. Start with having Confidence in Leadership.

Confidence is the degree  of which you are sure of yourself - your abilities, capabilities and being. If you are a confident person, it means you are stead-fest in your thoughts, actions and decisions.  

To be a good leader people can look up to and have the desire to follow, it starts with having Confidence in Leadership.

How to Gain Confidence In Leadership

How do you know there is Confidence in Leadership in a person?

1. Understand and have knowledge of the subject matter. Know what, who, how you are leading.

2. Communicate effectively with the followers. Clear and correct information shared within a team is the only way to start and finish the task at hand.

3. Critical Thinking Skills to clarify any doubts of the followers. This also involves the level of risks you are willing to take.

4. Have humility and know that you don’t know everything and input from the followers are valuable.

5. Have empathy for people and understand things from other people’s views. The question is whether your influence is:

a) Positive - the good and uplifting impact you will have on people.

b) Negative - the bad and upsetting impact you will have on people.

c) High impact - if the person understood and acted upon your advice.

d) Low impact - if the person did not understand and did not think further from your advice.

6. Prepare well for the role, They practise their message to communicate to the followers.

All of the above are being implemented and used as a guideline to create Public Speaking course for kids at SUKA. For more information visit:

Why do you need to have Confidence in Leadership?

1. Confident leaders are admired and listened to more often by others.

The root to having charisma is confidence.

2. Persuasive

If you believe what you are saying, people will too and the persuasion process is made much easier. When you talk in a confident manner, you show no doubt and seem like you know what you are talking about.

3. People want to follow you

Turst is earned from the team and so when have that, there is confidence from both parties. People start having confidence in you and you hold power to change their thoughts and actions.

4. Optimise potential of people

Confident leaders see potential in others and take risks on others. Failures are a step towards learning and overcoming. From this, the team can freely try new ways of doing things and think outside the box without the fear of failing.

5. Confident leaders inspire

When you are a confident leader, fear is not a barrier to success and this will become contagious. Inspirational habits start from the top so the team will carry forth what they see and are surrounded by.

10 Ways to Become a Confident Leader

1. Similar to gaining self-esteem, you work on it day by day.Take on tasks you are an expert in. If you are a a numbers person, do those to solve an issue. If you are a good negotiator, do a deal that will benenit you.

2. Always have a good posture. This is proven to give positive signals to your brain so you feel confident instantly.

3. Look and dress well so you feel good on the inside, even if you are having a rough day.

4. Remind yourself to stay cool and calm in every situation.

5. Be a problem solver not a problem talker. Always look forward so the issues you face does not become a factor in your daily activities.

6. Remember the days you were confident. The mind is a powerful thng, use it well.

7. Do daily self affirmation. You can use the following lines to begin with. Does not have to be exactly and should suit your wants and needs. Do this daily for about 15-20 minutes.

a) I want to climb mountains and I will

b) I will be strong and confident

c) I am worth the time an energy

8. Do not talk negatively about yourself to yourself and others.

9. Learn to accept criticism. This does not mean the bad feedback from people around you are true, but know yourself  and think about it and if reasonable, make the necessary changes, especially if the the person crticising is a loved one.

10.  Breath! Inhale for 7 seconds, hold for 4 seconds and exhale for 11 seconds. This will control you heart rate, get the oxygen through your body and bran and you can think better.

Anissa Nasir