Effective Teaching And Learning For Young Children

Effective Teaching And Learning For Young Children

Effective Teaching and Learning for Young Children

In the midst of constant changes and the need for adaptation in the world today, parents everywhere are looking for ways to best prepare their children for an unpredictable future. It would be easy for parents to feel they should sign their child up for as many skill classes as possible. Yet forgotten in the midst of this rush to learn everything is the ability of teaching and learning itself. Here are Effective Teaching and Learning tips and strategies .

The characteristics of effective teaching and learning are split into three categories:

1. Engagement through fun, play and exploring

2. Motivation through active learning

3. Mind stimulating through creativity


1) Fun, play and exploring

See how the child engages in learning. It can be broken down into four further areas as effective teaching practices and strategies:

  • Finding out and exploring;

  • Playing with what they know;

  • Introducing games they don’t know; and

  • Their willingness to learn and explore something new.


2) Active Learning

Commonly mistaken for physical activity. Active learning is seeing how the child is motivated in their learning. It covers three main areas:

  • Involvement and concentration

  • Their willingness to persevere

  • Enjoying any achievements


3) Creativity

Observing and guiding the thinking processes of a child, their choices, the connections between their skills, understanding of their experiences. This also involves how children are able to adapt and react to challenges and how they link ideas and previous experiences. It covers the following three areas:

  • Having their own ideas

  • How they use their past experience to learn new things

  • Finding and choosing new ways to do things


In summary, the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning focus on the these strategies:

  1. Processes of learning;

  2. Thinking process that is applied; and

  3. Attitudes that are being displayed.

It requires you to look for those teachable moments to:

  1. Encourage;

  2. Support; and

  3. Show a good example 

These are all positive behaviours involved in each characteristic, which in turn will help your children develop effective learning.